July 30, 2020

Super Chashu Ramen at Yushoken - Timeless Thursdays 11

Last February, just months before the unknown that was coming, I and my sister decided to treat our cousins to a Ramen Night in Muntinlupa, a city in Metro Manila. Our younger brother cousin Carlos has just got married and to celebrate that, we brought him, his wife Jean, and our niece and nephew with us that night. We arrived after an hour of early evening Saturday traffic at Ramen Yushoken and yes, we had to wait outside for another hour and a half to be seated. We know the place and had dined there before so we know the wait would be so worth it.

Two and a half hours of driving and waiting, we were then seated, and again wait for another 40 minutes. Imagine how hungry we were, we can start to munch on those little plates of only our teeth would permit HAHA. Lesson learned for us to bring a snack if we were to eat there again. When our bowls were served, the smell is murderous to say the least. 

It was an unusual night with unusual waiting so it was just right we ordered something unusual. We all decided to get Super Chashu, each for ourselves. It is part of their Secret Menu and is not listed on their regular Menu. The main difference of this one to with their classic Ramen lists is the pork cutlet. I think it is twice or even close to three times the thickness of the regular chashu that goes with their regular bowls. And yes, it was not just thick, the flavor is even tripled because it has been marinated and cured longer than the regular ones, that is why they only serve a limited number of these bowls a day (We were so lucky that day that even if we were late, not much guests ordered it so there was enough for the six of us).

Yushoken's Super Chashu (Php 520)

It was not just a bowl of ramen, it was not just a good meal, it was a magical experience! We are big lovers of Ramen, well I guess because it's obviously Asian? But this was really different. That pork chashu cutlet for me was Japanese Noodle House meets Texas Steakhouse. It has this rich, umami taste with hints of hickory and charcoal that I just can't explain, especially on an Asian dish. 

This dish is super rich and creamy (a small warming for people with hypertension as a huge portion of the flavors are of course from pork fat in the chashu slice and the broth itself) plus it is topped with spring onions, bamboo shoots, kikurage or wood ear mushrooms, and sesame seeds. Some of my cousins were not able to finish their bowls even if they tried their best because it was just so many for them. I on the other hand, of course, feasted till the last drop. I did feel a little groggy right after though.

My Sister Judy, Niece Abrielle, Nephew Charles, Me, and the Newlyweds Carlos and Jean.

Aside from our Ramen bowls, we also ordered some signature Japanese side dishes. On the above picture is the Gyoza which is similar to what is known as pot-stickers in the US. It has minced pork and vegetables inside this pan fried/toasted dumplings. Dipped in soy sauce, they are so good!

Gyoza (Php 215)

Karaage are deep fried chicken cutlets, usually the deboned leg and thigh parts (yes, the tastiest ones!) and then served as is. What makes Yushoken's Karaage different from the rest is that these are larger balls and are cooked tender and not dried through frying. So they are not just flavorful, they are loads of juiciness.

Karaage (Php 280)

Writing about this post is bittersweet because this is something that we cannot do anymore for quite sometime, to dine together outside on restaurants. I do know that some restaurants now are open and allow dine in with physical distancing, but still with the cases of around 2,000 new infections per day, I don't think it is worth the risk. So for now, we'll settle for these memories that brings back the feelings of joy and happiness, and tastes that are beyond remarkable to forget.

Ramen Yushoken
Molito Commercial Complex,
Alabang, Muntinlupa, 1781
Metro Manila, Philippines

My kids (Okay I'm just their big brother but their like my kids, Love them!)

Never Stop Hoping for Outside Dinners


I would love to welcome and invite everyone to join this new Linky that I thought of starting - Timeless Thursdays.

Timeless Thursdays is open for anyone who wishes to share old photos or old thoughts that you would like to share as beautiful memories with everyone. This can be from yesterday, a year ago, or something from your grandma's treasure chest.

This runs every Thursday at 12 am (Manila/Perth Time) until Sunday at 11:59 pm (Manila/Perth Time)


  1. Dear Stevenson, that´s a lot of time of waiting, the place must be more than good (did you take a snack? ;-)...).

    Oh, read first, right!
    Wonderful pics of you all! And, oh, thank you, now I´m hungry!
    Still Wednesday here, but I left a note at my neighbour and he said yes again, we go for a yummy beer tomorrow :-) And a Bratwurst, I guess. With beer inside.
    Hugs to you and the rain - and - better times will be ahead (I hope!) soon!

    1. Hahaha you really are the coolest Iris! You had me at "read first, right". But tat is true, a real lesson learned! I have to bring a cookie or at least a small soda cracker for these unexpected waits! I would so want a Bratwurst and some beer! Sending you weekend hugs too dear Iris!

    2. :-) Dear Stevenson, LOL. On your comment on that ole blog post: The other week I wanted - amongst other - to buy a beer at the supermarket.
      You are allowed to get beer at age 16.
      The cash-out-man looked me in the eye so long (I was certainly wearing a mask) I went, "hey, I´m old enough, you wanna see my ID?!"
      Really, I´m 48!!!
      He gave it a thought (!!!) and said, nah, take it as a compliment I checked on you...
      I went home with a big smile :-)

    3. Waaaaaa that is super cool Iris! And he is correct, you should definitely take that as a compliment haha! That would make my day or my week to be thought of younger haha :)

  2. Stevenson, it is so nice you have such a memory to look back on now that you are quarantined as we are. New cases are much higher when the pandemic "peaked," thanks to the actions of so many of the younger crowd who did not keep a safe distance and failed to wear masks. Stay safe!

    1. Hi my friend Kenneth! Oh you are very right on that one. Same case here, new infections are higher than every yesterday! Like right now we peaked all time high with 4000+ cases in a day! I just hope people will be a little more responsible and actually a little more conscious on how serious COVID is.

      Happy Weekend Kenneth and Stay Safe!

  3. Wow that meal looks scrumptious! The noodle and pork dish sounds amazing!

    1. Thank you Susie, it really was! I'm always craving with just the sight of it as I still remember how good and tasty it was :)

  4. Buena reunión familiar. Lo malo ha sido el tiempo de espera que han tenido para poder cenar.

    1. Muchas Gracias mi amiga! I really hope we can all find a solution to this and share that to the world so we can all stop COVID together and be back to our old normal as much as we can. Happy Weekend!

  5. What a wonderful memory to have involving family and friends. The food looks absolutely incredibly delicious. Hopefully when it becomes safer, you all can get together again and celebrate with another feast. Thanks for sharing your memory of a great time, I enjoyed it. Have a wonderful day and rest of the week, my friend. Stay safe!

    1. Thank you very much my friend Bill! I am very happy you liked this amazing family gettogether that we had with a delicious meal! I am with you on well wishes for all of us! Happy Weekend my friend!

  6. ...if we all do our part these good days will return!

  7. Your have a beautiful family....and even though I just ate, this food looks so delicious.

    1. Oh thank you very much dear Rose! I wish we can all dine together again :) I was able to see them last week and it was so happy to be with them again in their home :)

  8. I am fasting, but seeing this can only swallow saliva hehehe

    1. Oh I understand, I also can only wish for a bowl right now huhu A blessed and peaceful Eid to you my friend :)

  9. Oh that menu plus images has made me feel so hungry SQ, thankfully it is almost dinner time here.. hmmm now what to make 😉 It does seem at the moment things will never be the same again, but hopefully we will be sharing good times with loved ones very soon.. take care ✨

    1. Amen to that dearest Grace! I miss my friends and my family and my workmates even! Hope you had a great meal after seeing this one Grace! Happy Weekend!

  10. What a lovely memory Stevenson. Hopefully it will not be too long before you will all be able to repeat such a happy meal :)

    1. Oh yes dear Margaret! I really hope that too! Praying for better days for all of us! Hugs to the Weekend!

  11. That's looking very tasty. Wonderful pictures.
    And I think you will have a cozy time with all these human.

    Greetings, Marco

    1. Thank you so much my friend Marco! You got that right! Always an amazing time whenever I am with these kids :) Happy Weekend!

  12. What A Fantastic Adventure There Brother Man - Pleased With Your Shirt Of Choice - Obviously The Wait And Drive Was Worth It By These Photos - Beautiful Meals - Bet That There were A Few Laughs Sprinkled In As Well - When Was The Last Time That You Saw The Newly Weds?? Sending Some Positive Vibes Your Way - Stay Strong

    P.S. My Latest Radio Show Link ( https://www.radiofreeamerica.com/show/wildlife-on-the-highway-2-kafm-community-radio ) Might Have To Copy Paste?!?!?

    1. Oh thank you so much my brother Padre! I got that one on a trip last year to Guam! I looove that shirt, not just the design but the fabric is so cool and breathable. You bet, we had a great time there :) Oh I just saw them last week when I visited their home, it was so fun to see these kids again :)

      Thank you so much for sharing your radio show link! Been listening to it now that I am about to finish work :)

  13. Ohh how I love these post with family and nice food!Ilike the chicken thing! :)))

    Lets hope soon we can have fun again :))

    1. That was so good dear Anita!!! It was mild and crispy on the outside but tender and juicy inside! ye sto fun soon! Cheers to the weekend!

  14. That looks so delicious! It's sad that the entire planet is shut down for such wonderful dining experiences. We have Netflix Streetfood to take us to famous food places around the world -- and I thank you for adding one more place to my list of where I'll never eat!

    be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. Oh Mae! I also watch that show on Netflix! I really love their Thailand episode so much, brought me back to the streets of Bangkok. Will never forget eating Pad Thai right beside fast cars passing by the sidewalk I'm sitting at!

      Happy Weekend Mae!

  15. Feeling hungry now! I do love Ramen, though I don't eat meat. There are a few good places here that do a good Ramen.

    Great photo, you all look happy :-D

    1. Oh! I once have seen a vegetable ramen in Japan :) Thank you so much dear Ananka, we really had an amazing time!

  16. Dearest Stevenson,
    That was indeed a memorable dinner with your loved ones!
    Japanese restaurants are always good and your description sounds like this was very special the way it got marinated and prepared.
    Let's hope that all those fond 'yesteryear' memories will come back to all of us!

    1. That is very true Mariette! it was very special and very tasty! I hope so too, hope we can live our lives back to the old normal again but we do try even in this lockdown right :)

  17. Boa tarde meu querido amigo. Parabéns pelo seu blogue,tens um admirador brasileiro.

    1. Muito Obrigado meu amigo Luiz! Always welcome here at my blog :) Greetings all the way to Brasil!

  18. That looks so delicious, my mouth is just watering. I'm so glad they weren't sold out by the time you got through -- after your wait, you deserved something unusual, magical and very special. And oh,gyoza! I haven't had any in ages and I love them! What a special time, especially with such good company.

    1. A big yes to that dear Jeanie! Gyoza is a favorite! And yes, it was so much worth the very long wait haha I hope we can have it again someday when all is safer :)

  19. I always fall for Japanese food, ramen is one of them. The food in this post looks extremely delicious, it makes me realize that I have not had any Japanese food within the last four months. Damn

    1. We are the same my friend Cipu! I love Japanese food, okay not all of them because I am not very fond of fish roe but all else, the katsus, the donburis, oh my! I would eat them all! Praying we can have Japanese food again very soon and safely :) Happy Weekend!

  20. Wow, that was a long wait! I like Gyosa, but never tasted the other dishes, but they all look delicious.
    To good times and family get-togethers, may it all happen soon!
    Enjoy your weekend Stevenson.

    1. A big cheers to that Sami! I am sure you will also love Ramen and Kaarage. Please have a great weekend as well Sami :)

  21. I guess you guys are not vegetarian huh!!

    1. Not at all David hahaha This bowl is filled with so much goodness, and you are right, not good for vegetarians :)

  22. The food all looked so delicious, even just in the photos. But what was really great was to see the happiness and smiling faces of yourself and family members. It's these times gone by that many of us are cherishing now that we are not seeing family and friends. Thanks for sharing your happy memories, Stevenson.

    1. Awwww that is very true Beatrice! I really miss the times when we can go out and have fun but with what is happening right now, of course I would choose safety in a heartbeat. And thank you so much for your kind comments! I will be following your blog as well :)


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