February 18, 2021

Throwback Thailand

Ever since I was a little boy, I have develop the love for Geography and Culture through my Uncle who taught me all the countries, their flags and their capitals at the age of 5. I carried it over in my heart up until now. We are not very rich to be able to travel anywhere I wanted to go when I was growing up, but I never ran out of dreams, that someday, when I will be able through God's grace, I will be able to visit my dream places one by one.

As I am thinking of what to share this week, I thought about my first ever trip outside the Philippines as a grown up. It was March 2011 when I went to my first international trip to a beautiful and exotic place that still is one of my favorites - Thailand. My mother just died a couple of months before our trip but I still pushed through because I know she wants me to be happy, especially that she knows exactly that this is what I wanted to do.

Ralph, Me, and Ate Judy

Even just on the airport here in Manila, my heart was filled with so much joy already. That my dreams will be realized in just a few hours! This trip was with my college best friend Ralph and my cousin Ate Judy.

Driving my Tuktuk!

Thailand was amazing! And I think it's a perfect choice for a first timer because most people are nice and helpful. One funny thing though is that I am usually thought of as a local because I could pass as a Chinese-Thai, but when I start talking in English, they will simply shout "MANNY PACQUIAO!". He's probably the most famous Filipino in Thailand because they love our boxing champ so much. Even during my last trip to Thailand a couple of years ago, I still get the Manny Pacquiao calls!
My first Train Ride

The Bangkok to Ayutthaya train ride was my life's first! We don't have trains here in the Philippines aside from 3 metro lines in Manila so this was definitely another moving experience for me on that trip! For a very emotional and appreciative person like me, every simple things like these are very memorable and truly a grateful experience for me. I am thankful for this attitude I have because simple joys really create an impact to my heart!

Biking in the Ancient Kingdom of Ayutthaya

I thank Thailand for being my first and will always have a special place in my heart! I very much appreciate Thai culture, Thai food, and most of all, Thai People! Will forever engrave this special memories that are truly timeless, in my heart.

Never Stop Remembering!


I would love to welcome and invite everyone to join Timeless Thursdays.

Timeless Thursdays is open for anyone who wishes to share old photos or old thoughts that you would like to share as beautiful memories with everyone. This can be from yesterday, a year ago, or something from your grandma's treasure chest.

This runs every Thursday at 12 am (Manila/Perth Time) until Sunday at 11:59 pm (Manila/Perth Time)


  1. Your very first trip and train ride! Here's to many more great trips in your future.

  2. Hi my dear friend, miss you. How are you and your family?

  3. Que hermoso viaje!! Y me gusta tu forma de pensar.... tus proyectos y ojala cumplas todos tus viajes y sueños.
    Me llamo la atencion que ni haya trenes en Filipinas.
    Saludos desde Buenos Aires!

  4. I would love to visit Thailand. It looks beautiful in photos, and reading your post makes it sound even better. I am with you about seeing the world bit by bit. I think it is better to go without so much money you can't go first class because it puts you with the real people and you get a chance to get to know the culture better. That is the best part of visiting new places, isn't it? Thanks for sharing this. I have winter travel fever right now and with covid there is no traveling. Sadly. hugs-Erika

  5. Loving these photos Stevenson, and your soft heart that takes such intense joy from the simple things of life, that is a real blessing. New Zealanders are also renown for their hospitality and friendliness. One day you may get here :)
    Stay safe

  6. Stevenson, it is wonderful how you are able to appreciate so much about the little things which many people (too often including me) just take for granted. I'm guessing that you Mother was also one of those persons.

  7. What a great photos and a wonderful memory! Amazing :-D

    I couldn't post on this the other day, sorted now!

  8. Thanks for sharing this special memory, Stevenson, and as you said you mother would certainly have wanted you to enjoy this planned trip. It was also nice to have a friend and family along to share the experience. I enjoy thai food and maybe one day, when we can safely travel again, will consider it as a travel destination...so little time and so many places to see.

  9. Your Tuktuk is beautiful! Shall we switch? You get my bike! LOL

  10. Bom dia meu amigo. Que viagem maravilhosa.

  11. I went to Thailand in 2008 and loved what we saw and such friendly people too. So glad you are fulfilling your travel dreams when you can Stevenson.


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