November 3, 2023

The Journey Continues

Just a post to say hi to everybody and I have been traveling lately during weekends just around Western Europe. Weather is getting chillier than usual here in Barcelona. I love it personally after a striking summer last August that got me sick for a couple of weeks. But so far it's been amazing, my first 9 months. Been trying to do a Social Media break so to spend better time I have updated my Blog's Domain using a subdomain.

To my dear Blog Friends, if you would change your bookmarks to my blog to direct to my new address which is it would be amazing. Just to spare you the extra click as my old link will now lead you to a more generic site that I plan to use to post my link tree and some portfolio stuff.

For now I leave you with this beautiful photo I took around the Universitat area in my Barcelona. Hope you like it and wishing you all the best and blessings!



  1. Hi Stevenson, you are obviously enjoying your new "home" very much and I appreciate seeing your photos as one day we hope to visit Spain and Portugal as well. How wonderful to read that you have been spending your weekends traveling around Western Europe and I will look forward to reading about your adventures in future posts. As you may know from my recent posts, we have spent 16 days seeing parts of London, Ireland and Edinburgh but it was hardly enough time to really see all the amazing sites in each city/country. I will be doing some posts about some of our adventures and places visited as soon as I catch up on so many things, like laundry! Thanks for your comment on my recent post, my friend. I hope that one day Patrick and myself will have the chance to meet you in person. On this trip, we met fellow blogger, Christina (A Colourful Life) during our Edinburgh visit. She lives in Glasgow, but traveled by train for a meet-up. It was great fun!

    1. Hello Beatrice, oh I would so love to show you around my beautiful Barcelona dears Dorothy and Patrick! When you plan someday it would be beautiful to visit here by April to May and during September where the weather is mild. Sunny yet not too humid. Now its getting chilly but of course very far from New England cold weather :) Super happy to hear you had a great time in the British Isles and looking forward to see your posts soon as I also have those cities on my list especially Edinburgh!!! And super happy you met with your friend Christina as well!

  2. Good to see you back again. That's a great street photo that you captured. Hope you are doing well and we will see more street photos from you. All the best!

    1. That is so kind of you to say Bill! Thank you so much! I am just like a mushroom sprouting here time to time but thank you for visiting me everytime I do a comeback! Greetings t o Ireland from Spain!


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